Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chapter 5 - Flight Attendants

"Tokyo, Japan?!?!" exclaimed Emma.

"That's right Ma'am", said the flight attendant.

"It was supposed to be going to Hawaii!" cried Emma.

"Sorry Ma'am but the plane is already up in the sky". said the flight attendant.

"That's alright." Emma sighed. "I guess it will be alright." Emma said.

"Good!" exclaimed the flight attendant.

Just then the flight attendant told another flight attendant about what happened and then the flight attendant said you can go through the emergency trap door and catch your other plane.
Emma agreed and she put the backpack on. "OK, don't go until I say GO!" said the flight attendant. But Emma was too excited to listen and jumped right away.

Suddenly the flight attendant called out "Hey you forgot your parachute!"

Friday, March 27, 2009

Chapter 4 Packing

Emma was so excited about going to Hawaii. So she started packing. First she took Frogs cage and put it in, but where was Frog? First she looked everywhere in her room but Frog was not there. Then she looked in the kitchen and found Frog in the refrigerator eating bunny food. Next she put Frog in his cage and decided to pack him a little later. Next she packed some clothes, her hat, her comb and Fred. After that she packed some food just for the way there and back. Then she was about to leave for the airport when she remembered frog. She quickly packed him and set off for the airport.

When she got there she waited a little bit and then walked through the thing that sees is you have any weapons and walked into the plane. She found a seat and waited for the plane to start. Then the plane started and she asked a flight attendant just to make sure "Where is this plane going?"

The flight attendant sounded jolly and replied "To Tokyo, Japan of course!"

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chapter Three - Faint, Faint again

Emma hid in her closet and whispered “those must be the thieves who stole stuff!” So right when the thieves came in the house she jumped out of the closet and hollered “HOWDY Y'ALL, YES MA’AM YOU’RE IN SOME MEGA TROUBLE!!!!”

One named stinky fainted, another one named pinky hid under a blanket, and the one that was in charge named captain coco loco winky, fainted right on top of stinky.

Emma called 911 who took the thieves to prison and said “well now that newspaper isn’t true anymore.”

When Emma looked in her mailbox she saw a card that said: You may have a FREE trip to HAWAII for all that thief catching.


The Police Station

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chapter Two - What Happened

It was 1,359 inches between the floor and the ground. Luckily between the floor and the ground was the waterfall, which Emma had fell into. But Emma did not know how to swim. It was dreadful but Emma had to swim 55 meters to get to land .She tried and tried but all she could do was dogpaddle. So she dogpaddled to shore. She did it! And was so proud of herself.
Then she went home to make herself a nice warm cup of tea. When she opened the food cabinet which was full when she left nothing was there! When she went to the droor where she kept all her silver wear she found nothing again. She wondered what happened.
Next she went into her living room to watch some T.V. All the furniture was gone except for the sofa. Emma was so miserable
What was she going to do now? Everything else was where it was when she left except for the furniture, silver wear, and the food.
She had a T.V. in her room which she watched for an hour. Then she saw in the newspaper that thieves were going around and said “So they stole my stuff”. Suddenly a big, black, van went up her driveway!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Chapter One - The Great Fall

Emma Berry was a strange girl.

She was 10, wore a purple t-shirt, blue shorts with plaid lines that were red, green shoes that were to small for her, (but she didn’t care) and a gigantic hat that was yellow with berries on it. Emma didn’t know how to swim.

Emma lived all alone except for her pet bunny named frog. She also had an imaginary friend named Fred. There were a lot of kids that lived on her street but none of them liked her because they thought she was strange.

One day she went out for a walk but she lived high up in the mountains. If you walked far enough, you could see a view of a waterfall from off a cliff. Emma looked from a distance that was far away. Just as she was getting closer she lost her balance and fell of the cliff!!

Spring Break

I’m on spring break so I decided to write a short story. I will post one chapter each day. Hope you enjoy them!