Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chapter Two - What Happened

It was 1,359 inches between the floor and the ground. Luckily between the floor and the ground was the waterfall, which Emma had fell into. But Emma did not know how to swim. It was dreadful but Emma had to swim 55 meters to get to land .She tried and tried but all she could do was dogpaddle. So she dogpaddled to shore. She did it! And was so proud of herself.
Then she went home to make herself a nice warm cup of tea. When she opened the food cabinet which was full when she left nothing was there! When she went to the droor where she kept all her silver wear she found nothing again. She wondered what happened.
Next she went into her living room to watch some T.V. All the furniture was gone except for the sofa. Emma was so miserable
What was she going to do now? Everything else was where it was when she left except for the furniture, silver wear, and the food.
She had a T.V. in her room which she watched for an hour. Then she saw in the newspaper that thieves were going around and said “So they stole my stuff”. Suddenly a big, black, van went up her driveway!

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